The president of Bhim Sena, Satpal Tanwar, has lodged a complaint with the police after allegedly receiving death threats in a letter purportedly from imprisoned gangster Lawrence Bishnoi. The letter, delivered to Tanwar, warned him against opposing Prime Minister Narendra Modi and contained explicit threats to silence him permanently. Additionally, the missive included derogatory remarks of a casteist nature aimed at Tanwar.
Authorities have taken swift action following the filing of a First Information Report (FIR) against unidentified individuals at Kherki Daula Police Station. Inspector Satyawan, the Station House Officer (SHO) of Sector 37 Police Station, confirmed that an investigation is underway to authenticate the claims made in the letter and determine the source of the threat.
Tanwar, a resident of Khandsa village, revealed that the letter purportedly from Lawrence Bishnoi explicitly warned him to desist from opposing Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The message ominously stated that failure to comply would result in dire consequences, hinting at permanent silence. Notably, the letter made a chilling reference to Tanwar’s “number” being “after Salman,” alluding to the infamous death threats previously issued by Bishnoi against Bollywood actor Salman Khan.
Furthermore, Tanwar highlighted the presence of casteist slurs within the threatening correspondence, indicating a broader context of intimidation and discrimination. His decision to report the incident to law enforcement underscores the gravity of the situation and the need for immediate intervention to ensure his safety and uphold the rule of law.
Inspector Satyawan emphasized that the police are meticulously scrutinizing the contents of the letter and pursuing all leads to apprehend the perpetrators. “We are verifying the facts about the threat letter first,” he stated, underscoring the importance of thorough investigation in cases involving potential threats to individuals’ lives and liberties.
The involvement of Lawrence Bishnoi, a notorious figure known for his criminal activities and previous instances of issuing death threats, has intensified concerns regarding the safety of Satpal Tanwar and the broader implications of such intimidation tactics. Bhim Sena, an organization advocating for the rights and empowerment of marginalized communities, has been at the forefront of social justice initiatives, making Tanwar a prominent figure in the local landscape.
As the investigation progresses, authorities remain vigilant to ensure the protection of Tanwar and uphold the principles of justice and equality enshrined in the nation’s legal framework. The case serves as a stark reminder of the persistent challenges posed by criminal elements and the imperative of collective action to safeguard the rights and freedoms of all citizens.