Ravindra Singh Bhati, the independent candidate from the hottest seat of the state, the Barmer-Jaisalmer Lok Sabha constituency, has been engaging in continuous tours of his constituency even after the conclusion of the Lok Sabha elections. Today, he was on a visit to Jodhpur, where he participated in condolence meetings in rural areas of Jodhpur. He also visited various private clinics and AIIMS in the city to inquire about the well-being of the people of the Lok Sabha constituency.
During his visit, Bhati engaged in special discussions with people from Rajasthan, stating that after winning the election on June 4, it will be up to the people of his Lok Sabha constituency to decide whether to support any party or not. He stated that he stands with the people of Jodhpur today, emphasizing his commitment to serving the sick people of his area and his connection with the university students. He also mentioned the limitations on his time for family due to politics but expressed gratitude for their constant support.
Meeting with Devi Singh Bhati
During his meeting with senior BJP leader Devi Singh Bhati, Ravindra Singh Bhati clarified that there is no politics involved in his meeting, as Devi Singh Bhati is a member of his family, and he met him because of his ill health. He expressed full confidence in his victory in the Lok Sabha elections, stating that the people of Barmer-Jaisalmer-Balotra have shown their trust in him. He also expressed his belief that an independent candidate from Barmer-Jaisalmer will win, regardless of the slogans of the BJP claiming 400 plus seats.